Victorian Construction Workers – No Jab, No Job

This Friday September 24th is the deadline Dictator Dan has set for the Victorian construction industry.

By General Maddox.

Victoria may see a sudden halt in construction projects across the state come Friday September 24, 2021 as Premier Daniel Andrews has set the deadline for at least one COVID-19 vaccine dose in order to work.

Dictator Dan has pressured the industry and handed down the mandate on Thursday 16th September declaring that all construction workers must have had at least one dose of any available COVID vaccine in order to attend a job site come this Friday.

The CFMEU’s position is that the union does not support forced vaccinations, however it understands the government’s decision. A stance that leaves it’s members without recourse.

Workers recently took to the streets during their lunch break in a show of non-compliance and defiance of ridiculous COVID-19 measures placed on the industry. Specifically that workers are not permitted to even eat in designated eating areas on the worksite if they aren’t vaccinated for COVID-19.

They work shoulder to shoulder and in close proximity to each other throughout the day yet can’t share a meal with each other if they aren’t vaccinated.

The response to the rule by workers was amazing. Since they can’t eat on site together, they took their lunch break to the streets across Melbourne.

Clearly the response by workers to the ridiculous vaccine mandates shows that come this Friday’s deadline the industry may grind to a halt.

Workers will either simply not turn up to job sites putting massive pressure on the construction and development companies and cost them millions of dollars in delays or they will ignore the mandates and allow workers to do what they do best. Work.

Given the response and show of force by workers just recently it seems like they hold all the cards.

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Categories: Australian-news, CoronaVirus, Home, politics

Author:General Maddox

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