BREAKING: Australian Government Hires Consultants to Help Mandate COVID-19 Vaccine for All Public Servants

Morrison Government wants mandatory COVID-19 vaccines for all public servants and has brought in a consultancy firm to work out to do it.

By General Maddox.

Secret Cabinet meetings have been carried out lately to organize the rollout of various steps in the new era of the COVID-19 vaccine.

One of which we discussed recently that disclosed the Morrison Government’s desire for technologies to be developed for a ‘Tap & Display’ system to make the public show proof of their vaccination certificates.

More recently however a new plan has swung into action. That plan is to make vaccines, specifically the COVID-19 vaccine, mandatory for all public servants.

Real News Australia has become aware of information detailing how an unnamed consultancy firm has been contracted by the Federal Government with a specific goal. That goal is to assist the Government in making the COVID-19 vaccine mandatory for all Public Servants.

It appears the Morrison Government has hit a giant snag in their plan to follow the worldwide Great Reset. That snag is the fact that people are saying NO to the vaccine. People are resisting the ‘New Normal’.

Various surveys have shown that from 20% to more than 50% of the Australian public will not get the COVID-19 jab. Then there’s articles like this from the ABC deliberately designed to be as confusing as possible with as many percentages and numbers thrown in as possible to confuse readers. But never mind the fact they only surveyed a very minimal number of Australians.

This COVID-19 vaccine hesitation is a serious problem for the Morrison Government. Their taxpayer funded $24 million pro-COVID vax propaganda campaign isn’t working. They’ve wasted taxpayers money on approximately 150 million doses of these vaccine as well.

The demand for the vaccine just isn’t there despite what the mainstream media tell you.

The Federal Government’s reason for going after their own employees is most likely in an attempt to create a trickle down effect. That is; Make all Government employees have the COVID shot as a condition of employment. Said employees will then set the example for family and friends who will then in turn have the belief that the vaccine (Gene therapy) is safe and effective and subsequently roll their own sleeves up, willingly mind you.

But the hurdle to overcome is of course, how do you make it mandatory for all public servants?

As we know our governments aren’t very creative. Hence the need to go external and hire a consultancy firm.

Won’t the Unions step in and prevent the Government from mandating the vaccine?

Short answer, probably not.

The Community and Public Sector Union (CPSU) which represents workers in the Federal and Territory Governments have released information on their website which promotes the Federal Government’s vaccine rollout and encourages workers to get the vaccine even though they state it is voluntary.

They also produced a .pdf statement showing full support of the rollout.

The CPSU supports the roll out of the COVID-19 vaccine and believes it is in the best interests of the workplace and the country that everybody is vaccinated in order to stop the spread of the virus and protect people from its effects.

So it again appears that Prime Minister Scott Morrison was not lying when he said that the “COVID-19 vaccine will be made as mandatory as possible.”

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Categories: Australian-news, CoronaVirus, Health, International-news, politics

Author:General Maddox

Real News Australia was founded in 2012 and is Australia's leading alternative news site featuring; open source journalism, current news articles that actually matter, opinionated editorials, shared news items from Australia and around the world, documentary films & video clips. We are dedicated to talking about real issues, health news, world events, political events and deciphering the main stream media garbage in order to break the cycle of propaganda. Remember: "Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed. Everything else is public relations." - George Orwell. Please share anything you feel is worth sharing and subscribe to our emails. This operation is run on a shoestring budget so any contributions are well received.


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8 Comments on “BREAKING: Australian Government Hires Consultants to Help Mandate COVID-19 Vaccine for All Public Servants”

  1. Kat
    March 6, 2021 at 12:11 am #

    Well that’s one effective way to achieve smaller government

  2. Brett
    March 6, 2021 at 8:53 pm #

    why are u not speaking about the biggest hurdle the government has . 1946 amendment to the constitution . It is illegal to conscript an Australian citizen to take experimental medicine

  3. Vee
    March 7, 2021 at 11:38 am #

    The Australian Immunisation Handbook states a vaccine must be given without coercion or manipulation, and with full side effects disclosed. When even the manufacturers don’t know the long-term side effects (or more likely they know but aren’t telling us), how can the government force this on anyone? Plus, the Biosecurity Act 2015 has very strict requirements before a person can be forced to undergo a medical procedure, and each case must be assessed on an individual basis. With a number of Australian lawyers taking, or ready to take action against this type of enforcement, I am hopeful our government will not be allowed to force this experimental procedure on anyone.

    And shame on our government and mainstream media for deceit by omission – there is so much information highlighting reasons why this ‘vaccine’ (it’s not a vaccine) should not be given to people. This wreaks of corruption and conflicts of interest at the highest levels, both here and throughout the world.

    • March 7, 2021 at 1:17 pm #

      All 100% correct.
      Yet, they’re doing it anyway!

  4. Mark Trehern
    March 8, 2021 at 8:32 pm #

    The vaccine as you call it was not to be forced and threatening people to take if not agreed by them.Its not a cure you are using the population as lab rats unknown effects and turning us into prisoners in our own country and communities for none compliance.This is criminal act against our freedom and rights I’m unafraid to put my name and email to this as I’m sure this will aid your SPY organisations to target later.The corporate government should be removed and replaced by person’s willing to fight for its citizens.Morrison your a Traitor and the rest of you in cabinet not all but 80%.The citizens will prevail.WE DO NOT CONSENT

  5. moo
    March 12, 2021 at 10:51 pm #

    Sorry I will not consent after reading the Patent .

  6. Michael
    March 15, 2021 at 6:22 pm #

    How can I verify this? I’d like to use it at my union meeting but there’s nothing solid in this article. You said the government are having secret meetings about this so how do you know about it?

    • March 15, 2021 at 7:06 pm #

      The previous one was a secret meeting regarding the Tap and Display stuff. But it was revealed in mainstream media. They released that tid bit first.
      This second bit of intel is from a source I have contact with. I cannot disclose the source. My source is solid.