Jill Hennessy’s 100,000 Vaccines Cover Up

The science isn’t clear. The silence is!

By Bernie Smith.

(TruthLibrary.info) The Victorian government has taken down the infamous digital copy of the 100,000 vaccines pamphlet from their website which claimed that a child’s immune system could manage 100,000 vaccines at once! You can read the previous article on this matter here. 100,000 vaccines would be close to 50 litres of fluid. Yes, you read that right, FIFTY LITRES OF FLUID. There is zero evidence of this obviously and it’s irresponsible for anyone to claim such. Considering that claim coming from the Better Health Initiative of the Victorian Government, this should have consequences.

See below a short video showing the internet archive version of their website showing the 100,000 vaccine graphic. The video also shows what their website looks like now with it having been quietly removed. No statements of retraction were made either.

I have asked the Victorian Health department, the health minister, Jill Hennessy and the Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews, to explain this ludicrous claim and also asked them if they would demonstrate it by taking the 100,000 vaccines challenge. (Follow it on Twitter and Facebook #100000VaccinesChallenge).

As expected, no one responded. Rather than quietly removing this grossly incorrect flyer, the Victorian Government should have publicly denounced it and addressed the concerns about vaccines with integrity and compassion. This flyer highlights the disgusting lack of informed

screen-shot-2016-11-22-at-3-22-15-pmconsent and the irresponsible tactics used to achieve and maintain it. The safety concerns parents have regarding vaccination are valid and the Victorian Government has failed families in this desperate attempt to silence them.

Health Minister Jill Hennessy has now demonstrated her lack of integrity over several vaccine-related campaigns. There simply is no room for blatantly false statements in the important role of Health Minister. How can Victorian families trust any of the information from the Government? It has shocked many families into questioning all vaccination information provided, including those who had not questioned before. This is likely the reason why it was quietly removed.

The asterisk on the 100,000 vaccine flyer points to Paul Offit’s book, Vaccine 6th Edition. Paul Offit and his co-authors are the biggest pharmaceutical salesmen in the world. Offit is making millions off the vaccine schedule in the USA through his patents and as a result, he is not the person to quote on anything vaccine related. We wouldn’t, or at least shouldn’t, be listening to research on sugar intake conducted by Coca-Cola for example. The Skeptics, however, will have it no other way.

Minister Jill Hennessy along with The Skeptics and other members of the pro-vaccine community have consistently shown they don’t care about the side effects. They don’t care about the science behind the cases of vaccine injury. Why must they ignore those families? If vaccines are so safe and effective, why can’t they openly discuss risks in the way they go about other medical procedures? We are entitled to ask questions and being sceptical regarding the health of our families and they have verified our concerns.

The Victorian government has shown that even when they do make a mistake in regards to their vaccination policy they can’t admit it. The Victorian Health Department has shown that people should be questioning everything that they try and bring out as the truth.

Health Minister Jill Hennessy has made mistake after mistake. She has lied, worked with intrenet bullies and fabricated “tweets”. Now she is trying to cover up potentially dangerous information spread by her health department. When will people realise her position is no longer sustainable?

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Categories: Australian-news, Health, politics

Author:General Maddox

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6 Comments on “Jill Hennessy’s 100,000 Vaccines Cover Up”

  1. mr.vege
    December 1, 2016 at 9:01 pm #

    Jill Hennessy Health Minister is a oxymoron … or just a moron take your pick

    • December 1, 2016 at 9:04 pm #


      • Sonja
        December 1, 2016 at 9:14 pm #

        I second that!

    • PennyBH
      December 4, 2016 at 9:08 pm #

      They are all contemptible cretins. I am so embarrassed to have people like this in government. Liars, lobbyist shills.

  2. groggy
    December 2, 2016 at 8:31 am #

    Are you really surprised they’re stepping up the assault on our senses presently…. there is something in the offing can’t you all feel it…??

  3. Mel Thornburg
    December 4, 2016 at 11:55 am #

    All vaccines are infectious. Because you all already have Epstein Borreliosis AIDS. They knew that in 1980 when they lied about the real cause of AIDS AND Mad Cow after giving them more infectious vaccines. Your GOV’T are mass murderers! https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10207454356991238&id=1657389649&ref=bookmarks&notif_t=share_reply