Enviro-Frauds: Wind & Solar Ain’t ‘Clean’ & Certainly Ain’t ‘Green’

Call wind and solar whatever you like, but there’s simply no rational basis to call them ‘clean’ or ‘green’. Both chew up monumental volumes of …

Enviro-Frauds: Wind & Solar Ain’t ‘Clean’ & Certainly Ain’t ‘Green’

Categories: Home

Author:General Maddox

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One Comment on “Enviro-Frauds: Wind & Solar Ain’t ‘Clean’ & Certainly Ain’t ‘Green’”

  1. Graham Lyons
    August 9, 2023 at 8:18 pm #

    Another massive scam, General, like convid1984. You only have to look at the “quality” of some of the “rent seekers” up to their necks in it: Turnbull, Hewson, Holmes a Court…to realise what a bad idea it is for the real people of this blighted country.