COVID-19 Adverse Event Under-reporting

Federal and State health officials rely on advice from the TGA regarding the safety and efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccines. So who’s at fault when the REAL adverse event stats come to light?

By General Maddox.

We are constantly being bombarded on all mediums whether it be television, radio, newspapers & online to name a few to get the jab. Being told it’s “our shot” to end the pandemic.

One TV ad featuring a doctor tells us it’s “Free” and “Simple”. Sure, there’s no out-of-pocket expense but our taxpayer money fits the bill. The other glaring omission most of the public don’t realize is that at no point in the advert does it say the vaccine is safe.

So who decides it’s safe for the whole nation?

Enter the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA).

About the TGA: The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) is Australia’s regulatory authority for therapeutic goods. We carry out a range of assessment and monitoring activities to ensure therapeutic goods available in Australia are of an acceptable standard with the aim of ensuring that the Australian community has access, within a reasonable time, to therapeutic advances.

The AstraZeneca, Pfizer and now the Moderna COVID-19 vaccines have all been granted provisional approval by the TGA for use in Australia. Each week since the vaccine rollout began the TGA releases a report containing the data on how many adverse events were recorded as well as how many doses have been administered. Plus a breakdown of reports by vaccine brand (Currently just AZ & Pfizer).

The TGA relies on voluntary submissions of adverse events to these vaccines. That is to say that it is only passively gathering data. This means the accuracy of its published data is only accurate in the sense it’s providing data to the public that was submitted to them.

But what about adverse events that are not voluntarily uploaded to the TGA?

There is another lesser known government funded group gathering data on vaccine adverse events.

Led by the National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance (NCIRS) and funded by the Australian Government Department of Health, AusVaxSafety is a world-leading national vaccine safety system.

AusVax Safety send out SMS messages to those injected on the 3rd day after they’ve been jabbed and ask recipients to report any adverse events to their system.

However even though the 3 day window of adverse events being reported to AusVax Safety is better than the TGA’s passive style, AusVax Safety shows adverse events at an incredible rate of more than a 100 times higher than the TGA (45.7% v. 0.35%)!

But what happens if someone suffered an adverse event more than 3 days later? Anecdotal evidence gathered via social media shows that this is indeed happening. People have been sharing their stories on all social media platforms in the hope that their story is heard. Many saying that illnesses never-before-seen in the recipients are occurring well after 4 days post injection. Months in some cases.

The truth of the matter is that our Federal and State health ministers and chief health officers have no idea what the true rate of short term adverse events are. Let alone any long term adverse events due to the vaccines being allowed to be rushed to market.

The governments methodology of data collection is sloppy and not fit for purpose. We as a nation are essentially flying blind when it comes to the safety and efficacy of the available COVID-19 vaccines.

According to a study done by Harvard (at the commission of the United States government), less than 1% of all adverse reactions to vaccines are actually submitted to the National Vaccine Adverse Events Reports System (VAERS) (read page 6 at the link above).

If we are to take the American reporting system as an example of what is possibly happening here in Australia, then we have a serious issue on our hands. It makes the anecdotal adverse event reports garnered from social media and chat groups look even more realistic.

So are our leaders incompetent? Is the TGA incompetent? Is AusVax Safety incompetent?

If we are to believe the TGA then only 7 people have died as a direct result of COVID-19 vaccination. Even though there are now 425 reports to the TGA of death post vaccination.

Now let’s take into account the under-reporting that the Harvard study showed. Could it be that the true devastation these experimental gene-therapy injections are causing is resulting in perhaps more than 42,000 deaths?

Time will tell.

Time will also tell who is to blame.

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Categories: Australian-news, CoronaVirus, Health, Home

Author:General Maddox

Real News Australia was founded in 2012 and is Australia's leading alternative news site featuring; open source journalism, current news articles that actually matter, opinionated editorials, shared news items from Australia and around the world, documentary films & video clips. We are dedicated to talking about real issues, health news, world events, political events and deciphering the main stream media garbage in order to break the cycle of propaganda. Remember: "Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed. Everything else is public relations." - George Orwell. Please share anything you feel is worth sharing and subscribe to our emails. This operation is run on a shoestring budget so any contributions are well received.


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4 Comments on “COVID-19 Adverse Event Under-reporting”

  1. August 15, 2021 at 9:08 am #

    Excellent find General. Didn’t know existed. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Markii
    August 15, 2021 at 10:27 am #

    Robert Malone tweeted recently of a leak of the pfiser contract with israel disallowing public dissemination of injury for 10 years. Seems the clause was also in the leaked Brazilian Pfiser contract, ie global. silence – 10 yrs

  3. Graham H Lyons
    August 15, 2021 at 12:43 pm #

    Good one, General.The TGA, headed by John “Anton LaVey” Skerritt, is a pHARMa-owned outfit masquerading as an independent, public regulator. So you make it clear that the TGA quax adverse reactions data can be multiplied by at least 100 to be close to the real toll. I had been using a factor of “just” 40…that is obviously a gross underestimate!

    I take this opportunity to announce this week’s “Quaxling” award: It goes to SA “Premier”, the “wether in ram’s clothing” Steven Marsh[m]all[ow] for signing off, “using the best health advice” from the Orwellian SA Ministry of Health, on the cancellation of the Royal Adelaide Show, for the second year in a row. But all is not lost: we won’t get to see any showjumping, tethered cattle or penned sheep…but we WILL see muzzled sheeple filing through the northern Wayville entrance to submit to “the quax”, as this is the State’s largest “covid-19 ‘vaccination’ clinic”. What’s not to like?

    “The wether” received stiff competition from Morrison, a multiple Quaxling winner, who today (together with Hunt, Payne & Gen Frewin) gave an impressive rendition of the pHARMa “Danse Macabre” in announcing a big new shipment of Covax/quax poison from Europe, then put his Australian flag face nappy on upside down…what does that tell you? Yes, PM, 100% for trying, but you didn’t cancel the Adelaide Show.


  1. The Scotfree | COVID-19 Adverse Event Under-reporting - August 26, 2021

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