New York’s Vaccine Passport Program Is Already Failing

Liberty advocates, rejoice! The idiocracy is going to save us from another form of COVID tyranny. Thanks to a combination of bungling authoritarians and decaying legacy corporations, these entities are simply too incompetent to pull off a functioning vaccine passport program.

New York’s rollout of its vaccine passport already has the markings of a five alarm dumpster fire. The New York State “Excelsior Pass” vaccine passport system, which was created by IBM, has so many issues that I wouldn’t be surprised if the program was scrapped altogether before the end of the calendar year. It has massive security flaws, a shrinking customer base by design, it remains incredibly impractical, and it’s incredibly easy to manipulate. Excelsior Pass sucks, thanks to the idiocracy that was responsible for its design and implementation.

A rigid system

Say you want to attend a Knicks game this evening at Madison Square Garden, a partner to the Excelsior Pass program. It’s 9 a.m. and your event is at 7:30 p.m. If you don’t have the vaccine yet, that means you will need to obtain a negative COVID-19 test to receive your pass. Want to take that test this morning? Not so fast! The antigen test needs to have been administered within the last 6 hours, so you better plan your entire day around navigating that short window between your COVID test and the event this evening.

Just received your second dose and you’re ready to hit the town? Not so fast! You must wait at least two weeks before your green check mark appears on your vaccine passport.

Has it been more than 90 days since your last dose? Rejected! You only have a 76 day window (more than 14 days, under 90 days) to acquire a vax pass, which has to be renewed every 30 days.

Received a vaccine or COVID test from out of state? Took a private at home test kit or a test from a provider that is not registered in the New York State central database? Looks like you’re out of luck. You will not be able to receive your prized Excelsior Pass, because your information never made it into the system.

Are you an out of state resident looking to attend an event or enter an Excelsior Pass participating store? You’re out of luck! The New York system does not communicate with other databases, and other states plan on rewarding vaccine passport contracts to other companies.

Junk application

In order to download Excelsior Pass on your phone, you need the latest version of Android or iOS. For users of phones that are more than 4-5 years, this means you will not be able to access the application. If you have an iPhone 6 or earlier, you can’t download Excelsior Pass because it only runs on the latest operating system, which doesn’t work on these older phones.

Users of the app are absolutely hammering it for its dysfunction. Of the 240 reviews for the application on iOS, over 100 reviews received 1 star out of 5.

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Source: New York’s Vaccine Passport Program Is Already Failing

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Author:General Maddox

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3 Comments on “New York’s Vaccine Passport Program Is Already Failing”

  1. Graham H Lyons
    April 13, 2021 at 1:43 pm #

    Always good to get news like this, of the parasitic globalists and their army of quislings stuffing up. Why don’t New Yorkans boycott outfits partnering with the “Excelsior Pass”? And citizen’s arrest the disgusting Cuomo for crimes against New York humanity…

    And talking of stuff-ups…didn’t you love that AZ press conference the other night here in Oz? Have never seen such an uncomfortable, unconvincing performance in my life. Five pHARMa quislings (the PM, Hunt and the three “top” “health” officials) tag-teaming in an effort to convince the sheeple that despite a hiccup with AZ, the vax program is safe after all…and the risk of not taking a covax far outweighs the risk of taking it…ya gotta be joking…not only fails the pub test, doesn’t even make it through the door into the front bar. These people are halfwits!

    And this was followed up with the announcement a couple of days ago that GPs, chemists and other covax purveyors are indemnified against claims arising from deaths and injuries due to the vax…great for the docs, but what about the poor silly bastards being vaxxed?! I can’t think of an announcement less likely to instill public confidence in the covax…keep it up guys, you’re doing the anti-vaxxers’ (like me) work for us!


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