Shocking! Adults Now Fall Under No Jab, No Pay Vaccine Law

In a shocking turn of events the Australian Government amends laws to now include young adults!

By General Maddox. 

Legislators have just done what many in the alternative media have been predicting would happen for some time. That’s right, children and now adult vaccinations in order to receive family tax benefits and payments.

The new No Jab, No Pay laws (Social Services Legislation Amendment) have passed and will commence as of January 2016. This law was originally promoted and put in place to cease financial benefits to parents of children up to and including age 7 of whom weren’t complying with the immunization schedule set out by the Australian Government. Even the mainstream media pundits were reporting this fact. TV shows, news, newspaper, radio… all bases were covered. 

Now however, there appears to be zero coverage in the media of the fact that the Government has snuck in a few small amendments to the law. Among these amendments in a few paragraphs and subsections is one that that states this….

Omit “under 7 and born on or after 1 January 1996”, substitute “under 20”.

That’s right. You read it correctly. UNDER 20!!!

What does this mean? It means that if parents of children aged 1 – 19 years old are receiving benefits and their kids aren’t fully vaccinated according to the schedule, they lose those benefits. 

But hold on a moment…

Under Australian law you are legally classed as an Adult as of age 18. Therefore, the Government has now mandated that if you’re an adult and receiving family tax benefits and you’re not fully vaccinated according to their schedule you will cease to receive those same benefits so long as you’re under 20.

This shocking amendment is the first step in making vaccines compulsory across the board. Why else would the government have slipped this in? 

Need more convincing that the next step is compulsory vaccines for all adults?

As of the end of 2016 the Childhood Immunization Register will simply be called the Australian Immunisation Register. Now why would that be? 

[The purpose of the bill is to] expand the age range covered by the Australian Childhood Immunisation Register (ACIR) from children under seven years of age to ‘young individuals’ under 20 years of age (commencing from 1 January 2016).

Only a fool would be blind to the fact that the corporation acting as our government wants every single person fully vaccinated according to the schedule. A schedule which may have any number of vaccines added to it at any time. 

Hundreds of vigilant parents and concerned citizens have been marching and demonstrating in major cities across the country hoping to wake up fellow Australians to what the establishment plans to do to us. They marched in solidarity demanding to retain the right of freedom of choice without coercion. Even pro-vaxxers would retain the right to choose whether or not they or their children receive a jab. 

Now it seems we’re yet another step closer to losing that choice. 

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Categories: Australian-news, Health

Author:General Maddox

Real News Australia was founded in 2012 and is Australia's leading alternative news site featuring; open source journalism, current news articles that actually matter, opinionated editorials, shared news items from Australia and around the world, documentary films & video clips. We are dedicated to talking about real issues, health news, world events, political events and deciphering the main stream media garbage in order to break the cycle of propaganda. Remember: "Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed. Everything else is public relations." - George Orwell. Please share anything you feel is worth sharing and subscribe to our emails. This operation is run on a shoestring budget so any contributions are well received.


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16 Comments on “Shocking! Adults Now Fall Under No Jab, No Pay Vaccine Law”

  1. Bec
    November 28, 2015 at 6:31 am #

    Think the amendment to under 20 is on the federal no jab no pay legislation. The adult vaccination register is also federal legislation. Not the Queensland No jab No play bill that allows childcare centre to exclude unvaccinated children. There has been a lot going on in this space.

  2. Debbie Arnold
    November 28, 2015 at 8:15 pm #

    This is sneaky, underhand, disgusting. As a parent who chose not to vaccinate my children, this is very worrying. There’s no way I will agree to having them vaccinated, or myself for that matter. Is there anything we can do? What action can we take? Deb

    • November 28, 2015 at 8:17 pm #

      Don’t comply. Ever.

      • Rajesh ram
        November 29, 2015 at 7:58 am #

        I approve, never comply.

  3. glen
    November 29, 2015 at 8:24 am #

    As a non custodial parent with a vaccine injured child ( autism) i am totally against this, childs mother agrees autism is the result of vaccines yet i have just been bribed with my childs life, i cover the loss or they cant survive. Not something i can do.
    The people of this country make me sick, why on earth would you tolerate this why would you risk your childs life, if your employer asked you to endanger your child you would get anothef job, GROW UP PEOPLE, war has just been declared on the commonwealth, they want social security gone, do you think they will stop here? Its time for civil war!

    • Dr Kylie Dodsworth
      November 29, 2015 at 9:41 pm #

      You can still get a medical exemption for your child – see your local GP. If there has been a reaction to a vaccine you do not have to further vaccinate as long as you get the form signed by you doctor

  4. Esteph
    November 29, 2015 at 3:13 pm #

    Let’s get every adult ,who doesn’t agree to stop paying tax. Every single parent adult, or couples that pay tax should have the rights to receive any form of government payment without exclusion. Vaccines can’t be demand, we are not animals is human rights to opt it out WTF is going on here? That is to show on how much they are losing from people not getting vaccinated, money talks bullshit walks. I would never comply. Over my dead kids body.

  5. jill peer
    December 1, 2015 at 7:46 am #

    disgusting attitude of so called government.

  6. December 1, 2015 at 8:22 pm #

    Reblogged this on TOTT News.

  7. December 2, 2015 at 8:54 am #

    Reblogged this on The GOLDEN RULE and commented:
    To continue on this mandatory vaccination path is a sad, undemocratic, authoritarian and unjustified act.
    Genuine health risks have not been taken into account!

  8. Proggy
    December 2, 2015 at 1:21 pm #

    I’d like to know how people are surprised by this…… it’s been all over youtube for the last 6 months about the traitors in governments plans…..

    • December 2, 2015 at 2:52 pm #

      Where was the heads up?
      If you know something or have a news tip, share it! Some people miss these things. I did. We all have a lot on our plates.

  9. December 3, 2015 at 5:02 pm #

    Reblogged this on conspiracyoz.

  10. December 7, 2015 at 11:12 am #


    • December 7, 2015 at 11:27 am #

      Indeed. That was me on there with Adam from the Crazz Files and Dr Rima.