Drowning in absurdity

This is one of THE best documentaries I’ve seen in this regard, and provides a clear window into the twisted, elitist mindset currently destroying our planet. Although this documentary fails to address the current Fukushima nightmare as well, it very precisely provides the framework through which one can better understand why Fukushima, as another method of depopulation, is NOT being stopped.

Of additional importance in this regard (beginning at the 1:03.55 mark), the Australian politician Ann Bressington begins to explain the 1968 origins of Agenda 21 via the Club of Rome–a think tank tasked with a crisis that would unite the world and condition us to accept global [NWO] solutions to local problems. Take note of her use of the term “social engineering” during this speech. She goes on to recount the following:

In 1997 Mikhail Gorbachev, also a member of the Club of Rome, said, “We are moving…

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Author:General Maddox

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  1. Mark Bates
    February 13, 2014 at 12:07 pm #

    Thanks for the info, I think we’re screwed, these guys have to much power to stop them. I hope somebody can….not enough people believe this is happening, Fukishima is a good example of that, the media just aren’t talking about it