GKP S6/E11 – 13 Month Calendar with Ari Asulin


G’day Folks,

In today’s episode I invited Ari Asulin back on the show to discuss the 13 Month Calendar.

The way we track time and date is quite funny and as you look into it you realise it doesn’t make a lot of sense. What if it was different? What if the calendar had 13 months each 4 weeks long and 7 days in those weeks? Well that only adds up to 364 days. The 365th day being a day of perhaps celebration, null day, resurrection day?

Lot’s of possibilities. But did you know we have had different calendars in the past? Some people even tried to get us to move to a 13 month calendar. For business it actually makes a lot of sense. But there’s more to it than that. Plus why was our calendar changed in the past? Who was responsible for such major changes? Well folks today we do a pretty deep dive in the topic and go off on a few tangents as well.

We hope you enjoy.

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Categories: Podcast

Author:General Maddox

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