Breaking News: Australian Family Terrorised


Breaking News! Please share far and wide this is happening in Australia and this family needs justice!!

Ben and Tanya Hammond, 2 days after the birth of their 8 week premature baby were forced into having DPaT vaccine otherwise hospital refused them access to see their premature baby in 2012. Both parents Ben and Tanya had the shots and Ben became paralysed within11 days of receiving the vaccines. Ben has been through horrendous health problems and although he can finally take steps now, however, from chest down Ben completely numb and is now legally disabled. Ben was a strong very health man working as a mine manager, however, now is unable to ever work again. 

Distraught is wife Tanya has been very public about NO Fault Vaccination Compensation Scheme doing TV, Radio and newspaper interviews since this happened. Tanya and Ben believe if they had to have the vaccine then there should be a compensation plan for injuries like Ben’s. Not only have they had to struggle with Ben’s health issues but also been left high dry with 5 children and a mortgage struggling on benefits? 

You would think that would be enough to deal with when Tanya was literally dragged out of her car and bashed for scare mongering against vaccines shortly after she was interviewed on local TV. Tanya had her jaw, windpipe and bone in her neck broken. The woman got off with and fine and good behaviour bond. Just where is the justice for this family??

Then just when you thought that the Hammond family had experienced more suffering than most people can even imagine….it just got worse! 

RE: Tanya’s story

At 6am this morning our family were still in bed when we got woken up by cops breaking down our front door! They removed us from our room (where we were sleeping with our 3-year-old) and they tried to forced Ben to the floor. I was screaming that he couldn’t because he is disabled, but they wouldn’t listen. I had to watch him trying to get down, but since he couldn’t they slammed him roughly to the ground and pinned him to the floor with a gun to his head. I was pinned to the ground with a gun against my head also but I kept trying to ask about my baby and trying to see where he was. Each time I tried they kept slamming my head against the floor yelling GET DOWN! GET DOWN! My baby was so upset but I couldn’t help him, I felt so powerless. 

My 11 yr old woke up to my screaming and crying just before he had his room raided by 10 police. They destroyed our 2 front doors, terrified and traumatised my family and when I asked what’s going on they said to wait till the camera gets here before they will tell us. Why would they need a camera crew when we had done nothing wrong? How long had they been planning this? 

A good 10 mins later (still pinned to the floor with guns pointed at us) the camera arrived. They told us they had a warrant to search our home for making and selling CRYSTAL METH!! I couldn’t believe my ears, they thought we were drug dealers?!? Our family is struggling to stay on top of all of the challenges that have tried to destroy us since the Whooping Cough vaccine took away Ben’s health and they think we have the time and energy to make illegal drugs?!? I just couldn’t believe what was happening? I was helpless to protect my kids and my disabled husband, watching them force him to the ground and my little boy screaming while I was pinned to the floor and I couldn’t help them…

They found Ben’s catheters and they categorised them as “sharps” they also took Ben’s medicinal cannabis plant that he uses for managing his pain and his smoking device he uses to administer it and they are charging Ben for that. HE NEEDS THAT to manage the constant pain he is in, nothing else works as pain meds cause him to urinate blood. 

Needless to say but they found NO evidence of any Meth or Meth making equipment so they put our family through hell and traumatised all of us for absolutely NOTHING! 

We need your moral support even more now than ever, if you can contact your MP and ask them to investigate our case and find out why and how this happened we would really appreciate it. I can’t help but ask, when will our family’s suffering end?


After reading local the newpaper today Tanya feels the media are reporting their side of the story leaving the public to believe that they are guilty of serious drug use/crime when it’s obvious all the police took from their house was one small plant and a pipe completely only used for medical reasons to help her partner condition as medical drugs make his condition far worse??

please help the Hammond family:

Routine vaccination leaves man quadriplegic? Open Letter to Channel Nine

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Categories: Australian-news, Health

Author:General Maddox

Real News Australia was founded in 2012 and is Australia's leading alternative news site featuring; open source journalism, current news articles that actually matter, opinionated editorials, shared news items from Australia and around the world, documentary films & video clips. We are dedicated to talking about real issues, health news, world events, political events and deciphering the main stream media garbage in order to break the cycle of propaganda. Remember: "Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed. Everything else is public relations." - George Orwell. Please share anything you feel is worth sharing and subscribe to our emails. This operation is run on a shoestring budget so any contributions are well received.


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4 Comments on “Breaking News: Australian Family Terrorised”

  1. kevin
    January 24, 2016 at 3:59 pm #

    This is sickening.

    They are obviously taking desperate measures to portray people who choose not not be vaccinated, as health threats to others. i.e health terrorists.

  2. Bernie
    January 24, 2016 at 8:50 pm #

    It just shows the measures that these corporations can and will go through to get what they want and protect their assets. Scary shit…

    • February 6, 2016 at 1:33 am #

      Im so very sorry for their pain…its criminal from the vaccines to the ridiculous meth ordeal! Who above said corporations did this?? This is government….welcome to socialism folks…

  3. Lynda.
    January 29, 2016 at 3:19 pm #

    Absolutely horrendous! My heart goes out to this family. I feel so sorry for anyone having a baby (particularly in a public hospital) in the time we are now living. I had my last child four years ago and the nurses and doctors put the pressure on big time to vaccinate my babies. It’s endless pressure, hounding and trying to put the guilt trip on you when a mother is at her most vulnerable. I can only imagine how bad it is now, this story gives me some idea. Thank you for reporting it.